Room Parents are the backbone of the PTA. As a liaison between teachers and parents. Room Parents work closely with their teacher to provide support for class activities and special events.
✏️ Become a PTA member
✏️ Attend mandatory orientation at the beginning of the year
✏️ Assist teacher with requested needs throughout the year
✏️ Act as a liaison between your teacher and the parents in the class
✏️ Manage classroom contact list
✏️ Keep parents involved and informed with teacher news and PTA messaging
✏️ Collect and Manage Class Funds, and Gift Collections 2x/year
✏️ Coordinate parties and events as directed by teacher
✏️ Help secure needed supplies for projects and special needs as directed by teacher
✏️ Volunteer to help at least 2 major events during the year, at minimum by filling a slot during the event. (Winter Social, FunFest, SAW)
✏️ Attend at least 2 general PTA meetings during the year
✏️ Staff Appreciation Week: Assist in special classroom gift as requested by SAW committee
Please contact your child's homeroom teacher during the first week of school. Many classes will have two Room Parents. You can only be a Room Parent for one classroom.
Questions: please email
If you are unable to be a room parent, you may want to volunteer from time to time in your child’s classroom. Please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a time or way to help the classroom or sign up for our volunteer bank below! Due to liability, volunteers are asked to leave infants and siblings at home.